
Love Can Transform Your Life

Love is the oxygen for mind. Love can make you physically and emotionally healthier. Human beings are at more risk if they are less connected. Less love can cause depression and it is said that love is the best anti-depressant. People who are not loved are the most depressed. Such people do not love themselves nor feel loved. Such people are self centered making them less attractive thereby giving no scope to understand love. There is a phrase, love just happens. Those who are depressed are those waiting for love to happen. Remember love has to be reached and for this you need to let out yourself.

Love is not evolved from a particular culture or region. Many have an unrealistic image of love being a emergence of pop culture. It is the reason why many feel depressed. It is part of vulnerability tendency just like having junk food. For some love is distraction and is pure infatuation. The entertainment industry creates an unrealistic image of love. This is one of the reasons for depression.

The actual problem in love arises when you impose your cultural ideas on others. Sometimes you want to take control of the other person and this leads to trouble. Many things do not fit into the cultural ideal and this could be disappointing leading to depression. It is necessary to change your approach to get rid of depression. The strategies include:

· Understanding the difference love and limerance. The latter is a psychological state of intense infatuation. This type of relationship hardly lasts despite giving you a good feeling. It can be called the first stage of mad attraction. You get a feeling that everything is right in this relationship. The average period of limerance is about six months. Ofcourse it can turn into love, though love starts as limerance it does not always change into love.


· Understand love is a skill and it comes with emotional hormones. It is called the will to act. You will be depressed if you do not learn the skills properly. This happens not because you are not connected but mainly because of the failure experiences.

· It is best to learn the communication skills. It is through this you can develop trust and improve your connectivity. The more the communication the lesser you get depressed. It helps to feel understood.

There is a difference between one person and the other. No two people are the same, irrespective of how close you may be. The relationship will be smooth until the differences surfaces. The trick lies in understanding the difference and mediating to ensure it does not end the relationship. You should be able to compromise to keep your relationship alive.

· Read the mind of your partner, instead of focusing on how they treat you. Find out their needs and work towards their well being. But remember that in the process of satisfying your partner you do not lose yourself. It is also important to take self care.

· Depression puts all the focus on oneself and there hardly take the effort to learn to love. There are more thing to focus on by responding to the needs of your partner. This can help build your relationship further.

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